Step 6: Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) Preparation
A government customer will usually require a detailed review of the project baseline shortly after contract award. This is called an Integrated Baseline Review, or IBR. The focus of the IBR is on the integrity of the project technical, schedule, and cost baseline. You must be able to demonstrate to your customer that you have an executable project plan in place and that project risks and opportunities have been identified and quantified. The best way to verify you are ready for the customer review is to conduct a dry-run or mock IBR.
Humphreys & Associates Approach
H&A uses questionnaires, rating forms, and other applicable materials that customer program offices and DCMA typically use. H&A is able to simulate the government review environment because we have former government EVMS review directors or team leads on staff. H&A consultants conduct a series of interviews and data traces with the control account managers (CAMs), integrated product team (IPT) leads, project managers, and others. An important part of the process is to provide one-on-one mentoring for the project manager and CAMs as needed. On the final day, the H&A consultants conduct an exit brief to discuss the results of the mock IBR. As part of the process, the H&A consultants:
- Critique the EVM System Description
- Critique the project in-briefing, EVM storyboard walk through, and subsystem overviews
- Assess project work organization, schedule baseline, budget baseline, and risk data
- Perform data traces and EVM data quality checks
- Interview project personnel
- Produce an out briefing for management
- Provide details about the mock review findings including an assessment of CAM performance during the interviews
- Recommend needed corrective actions
What are the Benefits from Conducting a Mock Integrated Baseline Review?
- Prepares project personnel so they know what to expect and how to respond to the customer – increases the proficiency levels of the project personnel
- Prevents surprises – the H&A fact-based findings can be used to address system, implementation, data quality, or training issues well in advance of the customer’s visit
- Enables you to quickly develop and execute an action plan to address issues
- Increases the potential for a successful outcome – gain confidence in the project plan and the project personnel to demonstrate to the customer that there is a full understanding of the scope of work, baseline plan, and project risks
Features of a Mock Integrated Baseline Review Include:
- Independent, thorough assessment of the technical, schedule, and cost baseline as well as project risks and opportunities
- Clear, concise assessment of the quality of the project baseline with specific recommendations on how to improve it
- Interviews and one-on-one mentoring
Next Step: Preparation for an EVMS Compliance Review
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