Contract Management Office (CMO)

The government Contract Management Office (CMO) typically has the responsibility of overseeing the contractor’s management and execution processes during the life of the contract.  This responsibility includes negotiating the terms and conditions of contracts, ensuring compliance with those terms and conditions, as well as documenting and agreeing on any changes or amendments that may arise during contract implementation or execution. The responsibilities can be summarized as the process of systematically and efficiently managing contract creation, execution, and analysis for the purpose of maximizing financial and operational performance and minimizing risk.  The contract change process is also a key facet of Contract Management including ensuring baseline integrity through diligent maintenance of the baseline.
Within the EVMS environment, CMOs are responsible for ensuring that the appropriate clauses are contractually required, including applicable Contract Data Requirements.  The CMO usually works closely with the government’s Program Manager to determine the schedule for any EVMS reviews that are required based on the status of the contractor’s EVMS compliance.  The CMO or its representative would also participate as a member of any EVMS Review Team to evaluate the contractor’s compliance with EVMS and other applicable contractual requirements.
The CMO would also execute an Advance Agreement (AA) as appropriate, and ensure review and understanding of the requirements of the Agreement between both parties.
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