Earned Value Management Implementation Guide (EVMIG) – dated January 18, 2019
The DoD Acquisition Data and Analytics (ADA) Integrated Program Management (IPM) Division Earned Value Management Implementation Guide (EVMIG) serves as the central EVM guidance document for DoD personnel. It provides uniform guidance for DoD Program Managers and others responsible for implementing EVM. It provides a consistent approach for applying EVM based on the particular needs of the program that is both cost effective and sufficient for integrated program management. Use of this guide across all DoD acquisition commands is intended to improve program performance and increase consistency in program management practices throughout the contractor community.
Part 1 of the Earned Value Management Implementation Guide (EVMIG) describes EVM Concepts and Guidelines. Part 2 provides guidance for Government use of EVM, including guidance for applying EVM requirements to contracts, an introduction to analyzing performance, and a discussion of baseline review and maintenance and other post award activities. The appendices contain additional reference material.