DOE Guide 413.3-24 Planning and Scheduling – dated April 8, 2022
This guide discusses project scheduling principles and best practices when planning and executing DOE capital asset projects to meet the requirements in DOE Order 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets. It outlines the principles and expectations for developing and maturing project schedules at a level of detail that corresponds to the DOE Acquisition System critical decision (CD) process discussed in Order 413.3B. For these projects, Order 413.3B requires an integrated master schedule (IMS) to be developed, maintained, and documented consistent with the methods and best practices identified in the NDIA IPMD Planning and Scheduling Excellence Guide (PASEG) as well as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Schedule Assessment Guide, GAO 16-89G. The DOE Planning and Scheduling Guide reconciles these two references within the DOE acquisition management system for capital asset projects. The general expectations for project schedules align with the 10 best practices described in the GAO Schedule Assessment Guide. Appendix A includes a list of 60 Schedule Assessment Principles that are referenced throughout the guide and are mapped to the CD process. Section 5 includes a summary table of the actions or deliverables for the CD gates and when schedule data uploads are required to be submitted to the DOE central repository, the Project Assessment and Reporting System (PARS).
The guide includes a comprehensive list of topics including a discussion on roles and responsibilities, scheduling contract clauses, planning for an IMS that includes a discussion of incorporating an integrated master plan (IMP) or similar milestone structure, and maturation of the IMS with subsections for the CD gates (prior and post CD-1 as well as prior and post CD-2). It also covers other scheduling topics such as integrating risk management into the schedule, handling level of effort activities, activity coding, schedule margin and DOE schedule contingency, subcontractor integration into the IMS, maintaining the schedule baseline, and schedule visibility tasks. Appendix B reconciles the DOE planning and schedule expectations that may be different from what is found in the GAO Schedule Assessment Guide or NDIA IPMD PASEG.
Other related DOE Office of Project Management Guides can be downloaded from this DOE web site: