NASA IPMDAR Tailoring Supplement

NASA IPMDAR Tailoring Supplement – dated June 2023

As of June 1, 2023, all new contracts that meet the EVM contract value threshold, NASA will flow down the Integrated Program Management Data and Analysis Report (IPMDAR) DID instead of the obsolete Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) DID.

This NASA document references the DoD IPMDAR Implementation and Tailoring Guide and provides NASA specific guidance not available in the DoD Guide. The NASA supplement discusses tailoring options specific to NASA and the procedure to get the IPMDAR on contract. It also discusses content specific to the IPMDAR Contract Performance Dataset (CPD), Schedule Performance Dataset (SPD) and related information such as the schedule data dictionary, as well as the Performance Narrative Report. A sample NASA IPMDAR Data Requirements Description (DRD) with notes and recommendations is included as an appendix.

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