EVMS Center Business Practice 1: EVMS Pre-Award Support – dated November 9, 2023
DCMA Business Practice (BP) 1 defines the process to review contractor proposals to implement a compliant EVMS. When an offeror submits a cost or incentive contract proposal valued between $20,000,000 and $100,000,000 and proposes to use an EVMS that the Cognizant Federal Agency (CFA) has not previously determined to be compliant with the EIA-748 Standard for EVMS Guidelines, an EVMS Plan or a description of proposed management procedures is required. Contract proposals which are valued above $100,000,000 require a more comprehensive assessment. There are three related attachments for this BP.
The complete set of BPs and attachments can be downloaded from the DCMA EVMS Center web site: https://www.dcma.mil/HQ/EVMS/.