EVMS Center Business Practice 2: EVM System Description Review

EVMS Center Business Practice 2: EVM System Description Review – dated December 15, 2023

DCMA Business Practice (BP) 2 defines the process for EVMS Center personnel to conduct a review of a contractor's EVM System Description (SD) to ensure compliance with the EIA-748 Standard for EVMS Guidelines. The contractor's EVM SD is the formal documentation of the management system and processes (procedures, standard practices, and tools) they use to meet the intent of the EIA-748 Guidelines and to maintain a compliant EVMS. The EVM SD could be a single document or multiple documents. This BP applies for contractors that need to submit a new EVM SD in preparation for a DCMA compliance review to obtain an approved EVMS determination from DCMA. It also applies to contractors with an approved EVMS that have made updates to their EVM SD and require a DCMA review to ensure continued EVMS compliance with the EIA-748 Guidelines. The DCMA uses the DoD EVMS Interpretation Guide (EVMSIG) Intent section and the System Description Requirement Criteria found in the BP 4 Attachment F Guideline Evaluation Templates (GET) for each guideline as the basis for their assessment.

There are three related attachments for this BP. Attachment A is a form the DCMA uses to provide comments on the EVM SD content. Any deficiencies they identify are documented using Attachment C.

The complete set of BPs and attachments can be downloaded from the DCMA EVMS Center web site: https://www.dcma.mil/HQ/EVMS/.

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