EVMS Center Business Practice 4: EVMS Surveillance – dated October 16, 2023
DCMA Business Practice (BP) 4 defines the process to evaluate contractor EVMS compliance with the EIA-748 Standard for EVMS Guidelines through continuing surveillance. EVMS assessments are conducted in accordance with the applicable overarching DCMA surveillance policies (DCMA Manual 2301-01, Contractor Business Systems, and 2303-01, Surveillance) as well as the requirements of this BP at all contractor sites where there is a contractual requirement for EVMS oversight. The EVMS surveillance process can be summarized into three phases: 1) Plan, 2) Conduct, and 3) Report. The DCMA surveillance process does not replace the contractor's internal EVMS surveillance process or remove the contractor's responsibility to implement and maintain an approved EVMS. DCMA's surveillance may leverage reports and findings from the contractor's internal surveillance activities.
There are six related attachments for this BP. Attachment F includes the Guideline Evaluation Templates DCMA uses to assess the contractor’s EVM SD. There is a template for each guideline that identifies the attributes and other criteria they use to assess compliance with the EIA-748 Guidelines. They also use their compliance metrics to assess the quality of the contractor's schedule and cost data.
The complete set of BPs and attachments can be downloaded from the DCMA EVMS Center web site: https://www.dcma.mil/HQ/EVMS/.