EVMS Implementation

EVMS Consulting Services Steps:

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Step 4: The EVMS Implementation Process

Once the design and documentation of your EVMS is complete, the next step is to implement your newly developed or modified EVMS on a given project. H&A can provide the support and expertise to assist you throughout the EVMS implementation process. We begin with a detailed implementation plan and schedule with responsibility assignments. This provides a road map for the EVMS implementation. Each process area and subsystem as well as all subsystem interfaces are thoroughly tested. Modifications will be suggested and completed as required. In addition, H&A reviews the results of the implementation to assure the application of the EVMS is in compliance with your contract requirements, policies, and procedures as well as the EIA-748 Standard for Earned Value Management System guidelines. This process is illustrated below.

EVMS implementation

H&A is Here to Help with the EVMS Implementation Process

H&A consultants can assist the EVMS implementation process in the following areas. This assistance combines support for implementing the EVMS processes and procedures as well as using the applicable tool-sets to enter, organize, and analyze the project schedule and cost data. H&A can also provide assistance with project directives or project specific EVMS documentation, planning instructions, and data coding requirements to reflect contractual and internal reporting requirements.

How You Benefit from H&A’s EVMS Implementation Support:

  • Establishes a level of confidence in the system prior to conducting an Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) or preparing for a customer compliance review.
  • Can identify and resolve issues quickly and early in the process.
  • Provides opportunity to develop internal EVM expertise – schedule, cost, risk management and training project personnel.

Features of H&A’s EVMS Implementation Support:

  • Fully tests the entire system using live EVM project data.
  • Verifies all process steps, responsibilities, interfaces, inputs, and outputs.
  • Verifies compliance with internal policies, customer contract requirements, and the EIA-748 guidelines.

Next Step: EVMS and Project Management Training

Contact Us Today

Learn More About Consulting for EVMS Implementation: (714) 685-1730

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