NASA EVM Project-Control Account Manager Reference Guide

NASA EVM Reference Guide for Project-Control Account Managers – dated November 2021

This reference guide is a companion document to the other NASA EVM related documents such as the NASA EVM System Description, IBR Handbook, EVMS Implementation Handbook, Schedule Management Handbook, and WBS Handbook. It is intended to be a quick reference guide for a Project-Control Account Manager (P CAM) or technical manager with cost, schedule, and technical responsibilities for control accounts when EVM is required. The objective is to support the P CAM in performing their responsibilities as they relate to EVM. The guide describes at a summary level how the scope, schedule, and budget of a project integrate for optimal planning and control of prime contracts and in-house projects along with tips and other best practice suggestions. NASA created this guide to foster the establishment and implementation of a project management system that is common across all centers and mission directorates to facilitate the adoption of best business practices and enhance opportunities for project success.

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