NASA Form 533M and 533Q

NASA Form 533M and 533Q

NASA Form 533M is the Monthly Contractor Financial Management Report and Form 533Q is the Quarterly Contractor Financial Management Report. 

Form 533M requires header information regarding the contract value, funding limitation, the amount billed to date, and a brief description of the scope of work.  The monthly, cumulative and estimate to complete cost incurred/hours worked are reported.  The Contracting Officer may also require that authorized changes be identified as 1) Changes negotiated but not definitized, 2) Changes pending negotiation, and 3) Changes pending estimation.  The effects of new changes must also be identified.

Form 533Q requires the same header information as 533M. The current and cumulative cost incurred/hours worked are reported as well as monthly, quarterly and fiscal year time phased estimated cost/hours to complete.  The identification of changes may also be required as well as reconciliation of those changes to the total contract value.

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