Review for Cause (RFC)

A Review for Cause (RFC) is a formal review conducted to resolve a major EVMS application problem the government customer or other stakeholder organization has identified on a specific contract. There may be a problem with the EVMS or perceived deficiencies in the EVMS, an issue with the proposed corrective action plan (CAP) or CAP implementation, or issues with the quality or reliability of the schedule and cost data. This is a serious event as the government customer may revoke an EVMS compliance approval or certification as a result of a Review for Cause.

In a Review for Cause situation, the H&A consultants help you to focus your efforts. We can provide an independent assessment of the situation and produce fact-based information that can improve the decision making process. H&A can also provide the expert guidance to identify root causes and develop effective action plans to quickly resolve issues and prevent issues from escalating any further. As the "911" of EVMS, H&A is frequently the first phone call a contractor makes when they must resolve a critical issue with an EVMS.

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