Scheduling Support

Scheduling Support and EVMS Implementation

A quality integrated master schedule (IMS) is critical to the success of a project. The IMS identifies the work effort (activities), significant events (milestones), time allocation (activity durations), sequence of work (activity relationships), project constraints, potential risks and opportunities, and resources needed to meet contractual obligations. When properly used, the IMS provides real-time information about a project's status.

Humphreys & Associates is Here to Help

H&A can assist in the development, enhancement, or maintenance of an IMS that satisfies the requirements defined in the DoD Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Data Item Description (DID) DI-MGMT-81650 as well as industry's generally accepted scheduling principles (GASP) which are discussed in the NDIA Industrial Committee for Program Management (ICPM) Program Planning and Scheduling Excellence Guide (PASEG). 

The goal is to create an achievable plan to meet project deliverables. We can assist in the analysis of the project's critical path and assess the schedule health using the same set of criteria government review teams use such as the DCMA 14 point schedule assessment when they conduct compliance or surveillance reviews. Our extensive background in scheduling ensures the project team is well versed in the use of the toolsets and understands the results of the schedule analysis from baseline establishment through the status and update cycles.

H&A can assist with schedule risk assessments (SRAs), verify horizontal and vertical traceability as well as traceability to the WBS dictionary, the integrated master plan (IMP), and the performance measurement baseline (PMB).


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