Self Surveillance Review

Conducting internal self surveillance on an EVMS is an effective method to verify the EVMS continues to comply with the 32 guidelines in the EIA-748 Standard for Earned Value Management Systems and to assess how projects are using the EVMS on a day-to-day basis. The results from conducting a self surveillance provide an opportunity to continually improve the system and how it is implemented. They can provide fact-based information useful for identifying issues and problem areas. Once the issues and problems are known, it makes it easier to create action plans to address issues with the EVMS, how it is implemented, or the EVMS proficiency levels of project personnel.

H&A can assist in two ways. One, we can help you to produce an internal EVMS Surveillance Plan that can be used to establish a consistent and repeatable process for conducting self surveillance. Two, we can conduct a mock surveillance review to help identify potential issues with the EVMS, how it is implemented, or the proficiency levels of project personnel. An assessment from an independent third party is a useful technique to capture additional fact-based information to improve the EVMS or how it is used on a day-to-day basis that may not otherwise be identified. Frequently, H&A is asked to be a team member of an internal surveillance team as an EVMS subject matter expert or to provide additional guidance to the surveillance team. This also provides a mentoring opportunity to increase the proficiency level of the internal review team.

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