DOE Comprehensive Contractor Project Performance (CPP) Upload Requirements with

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DOE Comprehensive Contractor Project Performance (CPP) Upload Requirements with Data Item Description (DID) for Project Assessment and Reporting System (PARS)

DOE Comprehensive Contractor Project Performance (CPP) Upload Requirements with Data Item Description (DID) for Project Assessment and Reporting System (PARS), dated April 2024

This document defines the monthly submission of project performance data and reports required by the Department of Energy (DOE) Order 413.3B, Integrated Project Management Using the Earned Value Management System, as of the publication date. This document assists federal managers in their understanding of requirements associated with DOE Order 413.3B.

The document provides the necessary information regarding the business rules for generating the data submitted to the DOE Project Assessment and Reporting System (PARS) in the required formats. It is intended to be used by DOE federal team members, contractors, their project management teams and information technology (IT) staff, to generate and submit data and reports. It also discusses the data format requirements. There is a related CPP data upload java script object notation (JSON) Data Item Description (DID) that provides the technical details for the 22 datasets necessary to support the data requirements defined in the DOE version of the Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) DID and Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR) DID. The DOE IPMR and CFSR DIDs are included as Appendices in this document.

There is a related DOE web site ( that provides additional information about the CPP Upload Requirements JSON DID, JSON Schema, JSON Validator, and a utility to view JSON files in Excel.

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